Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sharks Becoming More Dangerous?

As the temperature rises it is making it harder and harder for the sharks to live peacefully. They have been around and been able to evolve for millions of years and today they are coming in more contact with humans that they can't do anything. The warming waters is making their food in short supply and making them travel longer distances to get food. Some of their source of food that they eat is moving more to shore. They will follow wherever there food is and unfortunely it is where people swim, fish, and boat.

As the temperature rises more people want to be outside and go swimming making human and shark contact more realistic. A huge amount of people are taking over there eating grounds and the only way sharks can complain is to attack. People think that sharks attack just for no reason but what they don't know is the are just being instective.

A good thing about global warming with the waters is that it is making it easier for the endangered sharks to come back. An endangered shark that could use the Gray Nurse Shark. For example, in Australia they can now move through Bass Strait because now the waters are warm and they can use that area for more breeding.

Gray Nurse Shark